Monday, January 20, 2014

the ever-conundrum of photography.

'When are you going to take it?' asked Walter Mitty to Sean Penn's epic Life photographer character regarding a photograph of the elusive snow leopard for a moment filling Sean's old Nikon film camera's prism finder.

His reply... the answer to the ever-conundrum of photography I personally face every time the light turns from mundane to magic and I am torn whether to look through my viewfinder to compose another photograph or simply... just simply record it in the neurons of my mind.

'Sometimes I don't,' he starts out saying...

'If I like a moment - for me - personally... I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.'


To just stay in it. In the moment. To be present. No distractions.

 That... that is the struggle.