Thursday, October 25, 2012

benjamin zander.

So J's and my new tradition is to watch TED Talks on Thursday evenings. We scroll through our Netflix and pick one out typically at random. Netflix handily organizes a dozen or so of them into groups on any given subject. Humanity's Future. Faith, Fate Or Fear. The Capitalism Paradox. Environment: Project Makeover. Knowledge Is Power. Just For Kids.

Music Revolution.

Buried in that group of videos was one entitled 'Benjamin Zander on Music and Passion.' Classical music in particular. His point to make was that classical music is not dead. That in fact every single human being has a passion for it. They just may not realize it. And to emphasize this point he uses clever and infectious humour and crazy hair and a Chopin prelude in E minor.

I about died laughing and was in the same moments brought to tears.

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