Thursday, November 6, 2008

the veils.

Um, trying to think of what to say except to say simply this band is the second best band of all time (at some point I will write a post about the best band of all time but that is for another night) and that they played in Seattle as close as I can surmise on September twenty-six of this year of which I did not hear about until sometime last week when I also stumbled across the news that they are just beginning mixdown on their third album which is due out in March of next year and that in case anyone is interested their third go of a website is temporarily up here and there are some cool streaming covers of Nina Simone and REM that are quite intoxicating in a very Veilsesque sort of way and a good bit of information about the band but of course only if anyone is interested most likely just for me as a sort of bookmark but I think that is all I have to write tonight.

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