Monday, March 30, 2009


Springing Into the Air, originally uploaded by superhiker (uh, that would be my kid)

OK, so for a little light-hearted banter because a) I am pretty flippin' impressed and b) it is pretty flippin' hilarious (at least to me) ...

So, Saturday morning we woke up and before even getting out of bed I was showing J how to use the brush to mask things in Photoshop. It was at about the five minute mark he gave me the ol' 'OK, Dad, I get it' and went off to his room where he proceeded to spend a good bit of the weekend surprising me with his imagination, creativity, apparent Photoshop wizardry (I've known supposed retouching pros who cannot composite this well) and downright resourcefulness with a slew of images he quickly posted to his Flickr stream.

This one was one of the most impressive (or certainly one of the most amusing). I must say I took no part in this – this is all him. I don't even know where he found the shot of him pogo-sticking, but apparently one exists; or where he got the idea for this composite. I about rolled off the kitchen chair when I saw the thumbnail.

Props to my kid.


Mark said...

Great job! Its always good when you see your kids develop something based on what you've taught them but not specifically ;)

thom said...

Totally - I had no idea what he was up to.