Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the asphalt world.

OK then. The. Greatest. Pop. Song. Of. All. Time.


This is Beethoven's Ninth in D minor for pop music. Parred down from overdubbed guitars and synths and drums and samples and cymbal crashes and drugs to a piano and a cello and his voice in A minor.

Apparently before performing this and leaving, he played The 2 of Us which holds the ranking of the third greatest pop song of all time (okay, maybe second – and of course then second or third is also a Suede song coincidentally from the same album), and before that He's Gone. Someone who was at the theatre commented it was the best three-run song ever. I would have agreed had I made it through. If you really want to hear the nine-and-a-half-minute long album version, buy the vinyl and listen to it on a hi-fi as loud as you can stand. Louder actually. Much much louder.

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