Tuesday, February 17, 2009

obliquity of the ecliptic.

The axial tilt may equivalently be expressed in terms of the planet's orbital plane and a plane perpendicular to its axis. In our solar system, the Earth's orbital plane is known as the ecliptic, thus the Earth's axial tilt is officially called the obliquity of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is not a fixed quantity but changing over time in a cycle with a period of a hundred million years. It is a very slow effect known as nutation, but even at the level of accuracy at which astronomers work needs to be taken into account in daily calculations. The obliquity and the precession of the equinoxes are calculated from the same theory and are thus related to each other. Without one there would not be the other.

and as I stand here fixed in time
I spin around to mesmerize and hold my Fate
to stem the tide I choose to wait
a fixed point in space I have held and now release
towards the distant pale point of light I gravitate
as time stands still but all the while I cannot find
the orbit is lost and so anew I must create

There is of course an enormous piano the chords huge. It starts out with a full-blown orchestration the piano accompanying and the lyrics above (only partially scrawled out at the moment but close to the idea). The tempo is slow in common time each syllable held out nearly until the lyrics are over and then the tempo doubles and the piano begins furious arpeggiated triplets up and down the registers as the orchestra matches the tempo and then after several repetitions of the arpeggiated chord progression, the lyrics come back to reiterate the last point as the song crescendos beyond belief cymbals crashing the piano enormous and unbearable before ending in a furious wash of sound and samples. What is quite fun in Logic is to actually go into the sample editor and manipulate each individual note to tweak the overall performance as I will have to do on most of the bars I have recorded as they are somewhat sloppy but captured the idea for now. And yes I love the word 'furious' as it relates to music.

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