Monday, February 2, 2009


Somehow I missed this, but apparently in the fall of 2006 Bechstein "came" to America (and now have a website that does not require on-the-fly translation from German in order to view) when they reacquired the shares then-owned by the Korean manufacturer Samick and selected for their North America flagship showroom a facility within blocks of Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. This is huge, as prior to this distribution in the US was sparse to non-existent and these most incredible of instruments were difficult if not impossible to come by.

I have fired off an email in excitement inquiring as to the possibility and expense of having my Bechstein A reconditioned either in Berlin at the factory or who knows – perhaps now in New York by Bechstein craftsmen? A reply is guaranteed by my "Bechstein America Team" – and I wait in eagerness. I cannot hardly imagine the sound this piano sitting next to me will make when fully restored. Overwhelming.

Of course, since the day I got it I have pined for an even larger piano (the Model A is 6'1" in length) – a Model C 7'7" would be most spectacular and would no doubt simply overpower my living room but that is not the point. It is all about volume because I must always play louder louder LOUDER .... (of course larger pianos also have longer keysets so subtle playing is easier had on these instruments).

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